Pop-Kultur Lokal
The »Pop-Kultur lokal« series initiated in 2018 is once again taking place in Pop-Kultur’s anniversary year. The focus is once again more on supporting projects that realise live music events. We are pleased to present the 4 selected projects here.
These have managed to prevail out of 33 very strong applications. Each sponsored event will receive a grant of €2,000 net and promotional support through our online channels. Additionally, a Pop-Kultur lokal project will be presented live as part of the 2024 festival program.
From the applications received, our four-member jury selected four concepts that also incorporate Pop-Kultur’s claim to inclusivity and diversity. Details on the individual events will be added here soon.
The following projects will be funded by Pop-Kultur in 2024:
Sunday, 09.06. – »Codex Club« – at Panke (Hof V, Gerichtstraße 23, 13347 Berlin).
Musically, this will be in an electronic-avant-garde and experimental direction.
Thursday, 20.06. – »Queer.Trans.Liberation – X-S Berlin« – at Schwuz.
The focus of this event is the inclusion of people with special abilities or limitations in a queer community.
Thursday, 11.07. – »FEMMES TOTALES« – at Neue Zukunft.
Strong, blooming, feminine and experienced: four female songwriters lead through a musically poetic journey with four soundscapes.
Thursday, 22.08. – »Latent Stream« – at Acud Macht Neu.
The event will be organised by the team around Keny Chan and Savanna Morgan and will run under the title »Latent Stream« .
Supported by the Senate Department for Culture and Community of the State of Berlin with funds from the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) in the programme »Stärkung des Innovationspotentials in der Kultur III« (INP III).