MPC Lafote
Covid has left its mark everywhere, including on musicians and their endeavours. The pandemic has prompted the charismatic Hanseplatte label owner Jakob Groothoff to put aside his old band Lafote and to create a much weirder, Dadaist version of it – which is how MPC Lafote was born. Where previously, the instruments were played by musicians, the sampler now takes over, which of course is how the project name got its prefix: The legendary Akai MPC. No more rehearsing – just sampling, slicing, and cutting, adding a few effects here and there, and the whole thing is finished. Groothoff, who has always been a rebellious punk at heart, often enjoys the company of Jens Rachut (Dackelblut, Kommando Sonne-nmilch etc.), but mainly goes at it alone with cheeky audacity. For Pop-Kultur, he is bringing a drummer to join him on stage for that extra oomph.